Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) & Careers

At Oakwood we promote a culture of positivity, ambition and resilience through pupil centred learning to engage, motivate and empower pupils in all areas of their lives in order to reach their fullest potential. We recognise Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) should begin as early as possible to support pupils and families to have high aspirations for the future. During the earliest experiences with us in EYFS onwards, we work hard to ensure that our pupils are experiencing a broad and enriched curriculum, building confidence and independence skills which aims to stimulate their interests into the world of work and supports develop the communication skills, resilience and problem solving skills needed for life after Oakwood. This builds to incorporate a wide ranging careers programme to guide our pupils through their choices in life alongside parents. 

Preparation for Adulthood 

Preparing for adulthood means preparing for:

• Higher Education and/or employment 

• Independent living

• Community participation

• Good health 

The document below shows some of the ways the preparing for adulthood themes are delivered at Oakwood from EYFS up to end of Key Stage 4 in preparation for Key Stage 5, beyond Oakwood School.

Preparing for Adulthood


Careers Leads: Ruth Richardson & Kelvin Stephens 

Careers Advisor: Rachael Maybank  

Careers Governor: Janet Catto

Our careers leads can be contacted through the school office on 01543 452020 and through the email

Gatsby benchmarks 

What is the Gatsby benchmarks? 

The eight Gatsby benchmarks are a framework for secondary school leaders, head teachers and career advisors that define what world class career provision in education looks like and provides clear guidance for organising the best possible careers education, information, advice and guidance at our school. 


The 8 Gatsby benchmarks are: 

Why are the Gatsby benchmarks important?  

The Gatsby benchmarks have a key role in: 

Careers at Oakwood

Enterprise and enrichment opportunities at Oakwood

What are enterprise opportunities and why are they important?

Enterprise gives students the unique opportunity to develop life skills, understand the costs and benefits of risk taking, communication skills and the important of collaboration. The role of education is to prepare pupils for the future and these are the skills the future will need.

Over the academic year we take part in a range of projects that provide entrepreneurial approach to learning (please see attached timetable below). The aim is for our pupils to develop entrepreneurship skills, creativity, costing, production and marketing, developing functional life skills. Also invaluable in developing team work, initiative, self-esteem, resilience, ICT, art and craft, DT skills, horticulture and a sense of achievement.


What are enrichment opportunities and why are they important?

The purpose of the enrichment curriculum is to provide a broad range of opportunities to learn and develop outside of the classroom. These opportunities foster professional skills such as resilience, active listening, confidence, self-esteem and teamwork.

Enterprise and enrichment timetable

Enterprise and Enrichment Timetable Yr 7 to 11.pdf

Compass+ and Careers Benchmarking Assessment

These assessments identify the schools progress towards achieving the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks and a comparison towards school nationally. The assessment also enables Senior Leaders to continue and develop our links with the wider community and potential employers and ensuring our pupils receive a high quality careers pathway. The assessment is completed every term in collaboration with the Schools Enterprise Co-ordinator - Jo Rasmin.

Summer 2024

Spring 2024 

Autumn 2023 

What is Labour Market Information (LMI)?

Labour Market Information is all about the world of work. It provides information linked to employment, unemployed and self-employed. It includes information such as descriptions of jobs, the skills and qualifications needed for particular jobs and linked salaries. Labour Market Information also looks at trends in the labour market in terms of which sectors and industries are in demand, which are in decline and which are expected to grow in future.

As their parent or carer, you play a very important part in been the single biggest influence of your child’s thoughts and feelings about their future career and pathways. It is really important that you are aware of the influence you have and that you try your best to make this positive, supportive and empowering. 

Walsall Construction Overview

Walsall Digital and Technology Overview

Walsall Haulage and Logistics Overview

Walsall Health and Social Care Overview

Walsall Hospitality Overview

Walsall Manufacturing and Engineering Overview

Walsall General Overview

Links to Local Colleges/POST 16 Providers

Here are so of the SEND educational settings that are available in the Walsall borough:

Mary Elliott - Mary Elliot Academy - Home ( 

Walsall College - Homepage | Walsall College

Rodbaston College (Futures) - Rodbaston College – South Staffordshire College ( 

Wolverhampton College (Futures) - City of Wolverhampton College ( 

Dudley College - Dudley College of Technology – We are Outstanding, We are Dudley 

Sandwell College - Sandwell College - A Careers College - Apply Now