We are always looking at ways to improve communication with parents and get information to you quickly. We have recently upgraded our Management Information System; the new system allows us to contact parents win a more streamlined and efficient way. We use the following systems in school to communicate with parents and carers:
Arbor Parent Portal App
This is for all parents and allows you to update information, report absences and much more.
Login details will be emailed to parents.
Please ensure your email address and mobile numbers are up to date. (This can be done by contacting the school office)
Android Devices
Please visit the Google Play Store and search for 'Arbor' it is the logo with 4 circles
Apple Devices
Please visit the App Store and search for 'Arbor' it is the logo with 4 circles
Evidence for Learning
We have parent access to the Evidence for Learning App (EfL), this app allows parents to view children's evidence and also upload photos and evidence from home.
The app is accessible from all tablets and phones and it allows you to see photos and comments to keep you up to date. It also allows you to comment on your child’s learning and upload your own photos or comments about activities at the weekend or significant events that can then be shared with the class.
School Money
This is for all parents and is the payment system for school expenses, such as lunches, trips
To log into SchoolMoney, visit the website and click on the sign in button in the top right hand corner. In the drop down, select the SchoolMoney Parent Login option and this will send you through to a page where you need to enter your mobile number, email address, the password we have sent to you, and your child’s first name.
Please ensure your email address and mobile numbers are up to date. (This can be done by the Arbor App or by contacting the school office)
Email and Text Message
We will also send information by:
Email – Please ensure your email address is up to date. (This can be done by the Arbor App or by contacting the school office)
Text messages – Please ensure your mobile phone numbers are up to date. (This can be done by the Arbor App or by contacting the school office)