Friends of Oakwood

At Oakwood School we believe that family involvement should be an active, enjoyable experience and that your child should gain access to a wide range of educational and social experiences planned to allow maximum independence. We provide a happy, secure, stimulating, caring environment and play an active role in our local community.

Our PSA is called The Friends of Oakwood School and  is a registered charity with the charity number 528904

The Friends of Oakwood Trustees are:

Chairperson: Mrs Kay Mills

Vice Chairperson: Mrs Vicki Parry

Treasurer & Secretary: Mrs Debbie Newey

Headteacher: Mrs Kate Bargh

Mrs Janice Smith

We can be contacted through the school office.



We are planning a Spring Wheel-a-Thon  during week commencing Monday 4th March in the school playground.  Our pupils will complete a selected amount of laps of the playground using different forms of wheeled transport/ equipment such as wheelechair, bike, scooter, pushing a pram etc.

A sponsor form is below, so please ask friends and family to sponsor your child. All money raised will be used by the P.S.A (Friends of Oakwood) for a new school minibus.

Our challenge to raise £13,350 towards the purchase of a new school minibus is going well.  Our current total is £8,438!!  We would like to thank the following for their donations:



Stephen Fish

Chris Gavriel (Theos)

RSK Transport

Wajid & Asad (NA Cars)

Morgans Café

Joel Genders

MV Kelly Ltd

Midland Block and JJ

How we raise money

How we spend money