All of our school uniform is optional, we do not require items to have the Oakwood logo on, generic items from supermarkets etc. are acceptable.
Our School Uniform:
Grey trousers/ skirt or pinafore dress (In summer grey shorts or blue gingham dress)
White or navy polo shirt
Black shoes
Blue jumper/cardigan
Black PE shorts
Blue PE T Shirt
PE pumps (optional)
Other items needed:
Home/School Diary bag
Swimming bag (trunks or swimsuit, swim nappy if appropriate, towel and anything else you think your child might need)
Forest School kit (old trainers, old clothes, waterproofs)
All of the above clearly named, please!
Items can be purchased from any supermarket, or from Crested School Wear in Walsall.
We have a selection of pre-loved uniform available, please contact school for details.
New Secondary Uniform
For anyone wishing to access free uniform or donate good quality pre-loved uniform, please see details below: