Family Liaison Team

Meet The Team

We are the Family Liaison Team for Oakwood School! The home-school link to support your family and child while at Oakwood. We can help with various things as housing, DLA forms, food bank vouchers, mental health support and more!

If you would like speak to a member of the team please get in touch via email or the school on 01543 452040


Please see below who we are, our contact information and classes we are supporting -

Nin Sambhi

Based at Walsall Wood Campus

Caterpillar - Ladybird -

Otter - Beaver

Dan Garbett

Based at Pelsall Lane Campus

Squirrel - Badger - Birch -

Chestnut - Willow - Deer - Foxes

Gemma Wainwright

Based at Pelsall Lane Campus

Bumblebees - Grasshoppers -

Dragonfly - Butterfly - Field Mouse -

Hedgehog - Rabbit

Aimee Shaylor

Based at Walsall Wood Campus

Robins - Dove -

Owl - Nightingale

Family Coffee Mornings 

Parent & Carer Consultation


The Family Liaison Team would like to find out what support you need through our online survey. Could you please spare 5 minutes and complete via the link below:

Support For Families

 Please note: we do not take responsibility for the activities or organisations that deliver them. If you have issues please let us know.




School Nursing

The Stay & Play is being run in partnership with MindKind, who run a dad’s peer support group.

 Dates and times :

30.09.2023 11-1 pm at the West Family Hub, in Darlaston. Illmington House, Crescent Road, Darlaston, WS10 8AE.

7.10.23 11- 1 pm, North Family Hub, Blakenall

21.10.23 11- 1pm East Family Hub in Brownhills, Silver Court, Brownhills, Walsall WS8 6HA.

Activities For Families